Rock/Drop continues the concern with developing an alternative, non-representational and non-pictorial understandings of landscape to re-think our multifaceted relationship to nature. It seeks to move away from humancentric perspectives and instead seeks to establish new relationships as metaphor for our complex interdependent entanglements of a humankind, nature, technology continuum of interrelated power structures.
In a continuing reference to the increase of rainfall due to climate change it continues to use the recordings gathered in the mouth of a disused mine in the Lake District during heavy rainfall as a starting point. These recordings are channelled through Atau Tanaka’s wrist bands that sense muscle tension through an electromyogram signal and translate complex organic data into sound. Rock/Drop was recorded in a live performative interaction. The rocks simulated in three dimensions are directly responding to live sounds.

Conceived and directed by Uta Kögelsberger
Developed in collaboration with Atau Tanaka
Performance Atau Tanaka
Creative Programming by Vytautas Niedvaras
in collaboration with Uta Kögelsberger
Photogrammetry: Eva Sbaraini and Sam Roe