sixteen new artworks by sixteen artists across the UK

curated by Uta Kögelsberger

Larry Achiampong, Victor Burgin, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Jasmina Cibic, Fiona Crisp, Jeremy Deller, John Kippin, Uta Kögelsberger, Melanie Manchot, Hardeep Pandhal, Hetain Patel, Ingrid Pollard, Eva Stenram, Mark Titchner, Jane & Louise Wilson and Alberta Whittle.

Division/Revision will be launching on public billboards across the UK on the 15 March 2021. Sixteen UK-based international artists were invited to each reflect, in a single image, on the question of what brings us together and what pulls us apart, considering that what brings us together is, more often than not, the same thing that separates us.  
The last three years have seen fundamental changes to how we relate to one another as individuals and as a society. Britain has exited from the European Union; the pandemic has brought new geographies to our daily lives; Black Lives Matter has voiced powerful articulations of systemic inequality. Division/Revision is a reflection on how relations are being re-defined through seismic shifts in the current social and political landscape.

Division/Revision is curated by Uta Kögelsberger, and takes place on 16 billboards that will change daily across the UK in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Manchester, and Sheffield. Each billboard displays each artist’s contribution once over the duration of the exhibition. The entirety of works is visible at any given time of the project. 

Kögelsberger says: “In recent years we have seen a perfect storm that is changing - perhaps forever - the way we relate to one another. In the process the cracks in our liberal democracies have come to the fore. These billboards infiltrate the public realm to question the status quo and to re-consider how we relate to each other as individuals and as a society. I am delighted that these exceptional artists have embraced my invitation to create and contribute works in response to this critical time in history.” 
The BUILDHOLLYWOOD family of Jack, Jack Arts and Diabolical are proud to support Division/Revision in the production and presentation of this ambitious, UK-wide billboard project.